Category: Doing research

Blog posts that talk about various aspects of conducting research studies, including research methods.

Why don’t you give a self-transforming presentation next time?

Photo by Alex Litvin on Unsplash

Presenting your ideas to a live audience is an excellent occasion for transforming minds. I mean your mind as the presenter and not the minds of your audience. Yes, it is strange, as 99.99% of all advice on giving presentations is about how you, the presenter, can best transform the minds of your audience.

How Zettlr changed my relation to research literature

After using Zettlr for a couple of years, I have noticed a fundamental change in how I use research literature in my research and writing. In this blog post, I reflect on this development and describe how it happened.

Book review- Qualitative literacy by Small and Calarco

How do you recognize good qualitative data? One of the main challenges newcomers to qualitative research face is the fact that everything can be used as data. I liked this book a lot because it provides some simple but effective answers to the question above. It is a short read and it comes from authors who know what they are talking about.

What goes wrong when students reflect on their research methods

In 2017 Elena and I ran the IT3010 course at NTNU on the topic of qualitative research methods in computer science. This was the first time we had the course run as a realistic run-up to a research conference with papers presented by students. The last deliverable in the course was a reflection report where each student was asked to reflect on the who process. Here I want to summarize some tips to students after having graded this last deliverable.

Six management ideas applied to research leadership

Researchers can be regarded as extreme knowledge workers. A fresh research manager will no doubt face some challenges: How do you lead people who know more than you, who are more intelligent than you, who can think more strategically than you? Management ideas that work for Walmart or for Microsoft will not work for research organizations. But what will work then?

The Discovery of Grounded Theory

I have now, after three months, finished reading this seminal work on qualitative methods by Corbin and Strauss. I have heard this is the book that defined rigor in qualitative research once and for all. I am not surprised at all.

Using documents in social research

Most qualitative research is concerned with oral data. But documents can be equally important in improving our understanding of phenomena. And when it comes to documents, it is not only their content that counts.

Empathic innovation

Are you an innovator? Did you ever make a solution that no one wanted to use? Did you ever reflect on the reason why it happened? If you did, I bet one of the reasons was you lost contact with your users.