My lecture on assistive IT for NEET youth

Today I had the pleasure to hold a ten minutes talk at NTNU medicine library’s welfare technology seminar. My slides are on SlideShare. The topic of the talk was how to use IT to help NEET youth back to work or education. NEET is for “Not in Employment, Education or Training”, and denotes a group of youth who have fallen out of school. Our initiative Yoin at SINTEF tries to build a consortium to work with this topic and this user group. Contact me if you are interested in the topic!

Six management ideas applied to research leadership

Researchers can be regarded as extreme knowledge workers. A fresh research manager will no doubt face some challenges: How do you lead people who know more than you, who are more intelligent than you, who can think more strategically than you? Management ideas that work for Walmart or for Microsoft will not work for research organizations. But what will work then?

My summer with a smart watch

I broke my wrist watch just before leaving for summer vacation this year. I decided to borrow a smart watch from our lab and test it during the summer. Who knows, maybe I would decide to ditch my Tissot for a smart watch? after two weeks I decided not to. But at the same time, I became even more interested in smart watches as a platform for assistive technologies.